
Basti karma is a procedure wherein the medicated oil / Kashayam/fluid which is given through the anal route gets absorbed in the intestine with simultaneous action of the medicines which are there in the oil or decoction given.

It nourishes the body and balances all the tridoshas i.e. Vata pitta and Kaphadosha in the body.

Benefits of Basti

  • Helps in tissue rejuvenation, removes toxins and cure diseases from its roots.
  • It is said that basti is like a blessing for the kids and the adults
  • It helps to cleanse the doshas, pacify the doshas
  • Helps in nourishing the body internally at tissue level.
  • Controls ageing by replacing old cells with the new ones.
  • Increases immunity, life span of an individual.
  • Improves overall mind and body strength
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Improves semen and egg quality
  • Rejuvenating to the body.

Indication of Basti

  • Arthritis, Lumbar spondylitis, Cervical spondylitis and various other joint and muscle issues.
  • Sports injuries
  • Parkinsonism, Stroke/ Paralysis.
  • Delayed milestones, ADHD diseases
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Recurrent missed Abortions.
  • Infertility
  • Chronic Constipation / Irritable bowel syndrome/
  • Debilitated conditions
  • Weight loss
  • Improves vision
  • Improves the strength of all senses
  • PCOD, Amenorrhagia / Dysmenorrhea / DUB.

Mode of action of Basti

  • Its 1st significant action is facilitating the excretion of morbid substances responsible for the disease process into the colon from where they are evacuated.
  • 2nd action relates to the potency of Basti drugs getting absorbed to have their systemic action. The gut has a mind of its own called the enteric nervous system. It lies entirely in the gut wall, beginning in the esophagus and extending to the anus. It has to a significant role in human happiness and misery.Many gut disorders like Colitis andIBSoriginate from problems within the gut’s brain. Major messenger molecules which go into the regulation of our moods and emotions, like vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), insulin, cholecystokinin (CCK), serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, norepinephrine, nitric oxide, enkephalins, etc. are found in the intestines as well as the brain, suggesting why our “gut feelings” have such real meaning. Basti has a direct action on this system.Basti treatment has been found to have scientific benefits for the nervous system. B-complex vitamins, which are crucial for nervous function, are produced by the beneficial bacteria in the large intestine. In degenerative nerve diseases, the protective myelin sheath is lost. The nerves can be nourished by administering fatty substances and healing herbs through Basti therapy (medicated enema) and the production of vitamins in the large intestine can be increased. This aids in the regeneration of nerve fibers and promotes overall nerve health.
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