
VirechanaChikitsa, or Purgation therapy, is the elimination of toxins from the body using herbal laxatives. The resulting bowel movement rids the system of harmful Pitta-related impurities. Organs in the lower torso - small intestine, kidney, colon, liver, and spleen - are cleansed during this therapy.

Benefits of Virechana karma

  • Balances Pitta dosha.
  • Flushes out of toxins and excess mucus from the small intestine, this helping in improving digestion.
  • Clears congestion from the liver thus improves metabolism.
  • Enables fat digestion, thus helping in weight loss.
  • Relieves many gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Improves the condition of skin disorders, rashes & allergies.

Procedure of Virechana

First and foremost, our main concern is to assess whether the patient is strong enough to tolerate the hassle of this procedure.

Purvakarma (pre-operative measures)
Snehapana for 3-7 days, then Abhyanga (Massage) & Swedana( Perspiration) for 4 days.

Pradhana karma
The medicine for purgation is to be given in the morning at 9:00AM to 10:00 AM, on an empty stomach. Usually, the purgation will start after one and half hours. Hot water will be given in small doses after each purgation(Vegas) or when the patient feels thirsty or the urge for evacuation is not felt sufficient.

Paschat karma
When the evacuation of the bowel is complete as per the Lakshana described for SamyakVirechana (optimum features), the patient is advised to take complete rest. Thereafter Samsarjana krama(diet) is to be followed as per the directions of the Physician.


  • Most Pittaja disorderslike Gastritis, Stomach and intestinal ulcers,
  • Skin diseases like Acne, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, skin cancer and Psoriasis.
  • Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly,jaundice.
  • Gout.
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