
Ayurvedic term for paralysis is Pakshaghata.

Pakshaghata is caused due to the vitiation of vatadosha .When this disease affects only one limb it is called Ekangavata and when it affects all four limbs it is calledSarvangavata.Vaksanga(difficulty in speech),Ardita (facial paralysis)may be associated with Pakshaghata

Pakshaghata causes numbness and pain in the affected region,loss of motor function,excessive lacrimation and salivation,disorientationof the gait e.glimpingand impairment of the speech.

According to Ayurveda long term management about 3 to 4 months of Pakshaghata is required using Panchakarma treatments like swedana(sudation)snehana(oleation,)Basti,Shirobasti,Virechana (purgation therapy),Nasya etc.

Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha ,Bala,Nirgundi,Shunti,Bala,Rasona etc and formulations like Dashamoolaarishtha,Maharasnadi,Yogarajaguggulu etc are used for treating pakshaghata.

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