
Raktamokshana derives its name from Rakta meaning 'blood' and Mokshana meaning 'extracting or releasing '.
This treatment literally 'releases' toxicated blood from the system.

It can be done for preventive or curative purposes

Indications of Raktamokshana

Raktamokshana is effective in conditions like allergies, sciatica, gout, acne, Migraine, Eczema, Psoriasis, Glaucoma, liver & spleen disorders, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, frozen shoulder, rheumatic disease, diabetic wounds, non-healing ulcers, Varicose veins, elephantiasis, abscesses, tumours, erysipelas,Hypertension, thrombosis (blood clot), and alopecia, psychological problems, vishamjwar (fever)

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