
Acoording to Ayurveda PCOD is a condition which involve the three Doshas, Dhatus like Rasa ,Rakta and Medas. The Srothas involved in this condition are Rasa, Rakta and Arthavavaha which manifest the feature such as Anarthava (Amenorrhea), vandhyathwa (Infertility), Pushpagni, Abeejartuchakra( Anovulat bleeding).

PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is frequently treated with panchakarma therapies, which clear blocked doshasand enhance Vata function.

Dry massages, such as Udvartanam or Pottali powder massage, are the first stage in these therapies. They aid in lymphatic system cleansing and the removal of fatty Kapha toxins from the body. Following the cleansing of the channels, the patient is administered medicated ghee for four to five days in order to bind fat-soluble toxins. Subsequently, the toxins are eliminated through a Vamana, or vomiting cleanse.

By expelling Kapha from its center of gravity, the vamana cleanse helps to release the hold that Kapha blockages have on other bodily regions, particularly the uterus.Vireachana (purgation therapy)can also be performed.

Basti karma act directly on the area where the blockages sit in PCOD. Cleansing enemas are administered for 7-10 days.

The therapies conclude with a Nasyakarma where oil drops are administered in the nose to balance hormonal secretions. The entire treatment process typically takes around 3-4 weeks, and oral medications are taken for a few months to enhance the results of the therapies.

The patients who are not fit for Panchakarma therapies are treated with oral medications alone..

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