
The ulcers / diebetic wounds also known as chronic wounds that do not heal in a predictable amount of time are considered non-healing wounds. Chronic wounds frequently stay too long in the inflammatory stage and may take years or never heal. The wound is usually a sore on the skin or a mucous membrane accompanying the disintegration of tissue. The symptoms are- swelling, redness, discharge, bleeding, and pain in the affected area.

In Ayurveda, Chronic ulcers are known as Dushta Vruna. In normal individuals, the natural process tends to heal Vruna and protect them from Dosha Dushti. But in several cases, underlying conditions like Madhumeha (Diabetes) hinder the natural course of wound healing. This is due to vitiation of doshas.

  • Pitta imbalance- leads to a burning sensation, infection of blood & ulcer wound
  • Vata imbalance- leads to swelling and pain
  • Kapha imbalance- leads to accumulation and vitiation of fluids.

Healing these wounds involves balancing all the doshas. Ayurvedic treatment for non-healing wounds involves- Vamana therapy (wounds on the upper body), Virechana therapy (wounds on the lower body), Swedana, Lepa, Upanaha, Abhyanga, Shodhana, Seevana, Kshalana, etc. These therapies are selected based on individuals' conditions. Further, the treatment is accompanied by the intake of herbs like Vacha, Latakaranja, Pippali, Nimba, Sariva, Kalmegha, etc. The entire procedure helps to reverse the condition in a completely natural way.

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