
Vamana is one among the 5 therapies of Panchakarma in Ayurveda. Vamana means controlled vomiting which is planned, induced, and stopped. It is therapeutic emesis or medicated induction of vomiting. It is a procedure in which Doshas (waste products or toxins) are eliminated through upper body channels i.e. mouth especially the Kapha and Pitta doshas.

Benefits of Vamana Karma

  • Stomach purification : This karma in the stomach leading to the purification of the whole body. Abhyanga (Body Massage) and Swedana are done before Vamana collects the defects of the body in the stomach. These doshas get out of the body through Vamana karma while purifying the irritating phlegm, toxin and other filth.
  • Eradication of phlegm : Vamana karma mainly suppresses Kapha. Drinking hot water, liquorice, peepal juice or saltwater repeatedly melts the phlegm. This liquefied phlegm is expelled from the stomach through Vamana karma.
  • Purification of the whole body : Vamana gives the organs new functionality, inspiration, and energy by changing the body's metabolism. This karma purifies the entire body and fills it with new energy.
  • Immediate relief in diseases : The Vamakaused in this karma creates utklesha, setting the body to become free. Half of the patient's disease gets quenched by taking these doshas out of the body. After this, the rest of the ayurvedic medicines immediately benefit the condition.

Indication of Vamana Karma

  • Asthma
  • Psoriasis
  • Types of allergies like Eczema, Atopic dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Gastric issues
  • Anorexia
  • Urinary disorder
  • Infertility
  • Rejuvenation i.e. Anti-aging therapy

Procedure of Vamana / How is Vamana Therapy Administered?

Vamana is done in two ways i.e., Sadyo Vamana, or instant therapeutic emesis, and Classical Vamana, or Therapeutic emesis which are done based on the conditions or severity of the ailment and patient.

Sadyo Vamana is a one-day procedure where in the person is made to drink medicated Kashayams, milk, etc, to induce vomiting and expel the doshas and toxins from the system.

Classical Vamana is an elaborative process.

In the first stage, medications (Dipana and Pachana) are given to improve the metabolism to facilitate proper digestion of the SnehanaDravyas.

The next stage, medicated Snehas are administered in increasing dosage as a form of internal Oleation till certain signs of Oleation are observed.

Next phase, external Oleation is done by undergoing abhyanga (oil massage), etc.

Along with these procedures, a specific diet is also advised.

Before the day of Vamana certain foods which helps to increase Kaphadosha like milk, Black gram dal, Sweets, Curd etc are advised to enhance the best result through Vamana.

On the day of Vamana, the procedure is done on an empty stomach in the early morning hours which has the predominance of Kaphadosha.

Procedure where in the person is made to drink medicated Kashayams, milk, etc, along with VamanopagaDravyas or emetic drugs with thorough monitoring to induce vomiting and expel the doshas and toxins from the system.

After the procedure, the person asked to take medicated Dhoomapana, rest and take a strict light diet (Samsarjana krama) based on purification(number of Vegas).

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