
Ayurveda simulates back pain to Katishoola, Prishtashoola, Kati Graha, or Trika Shula or Trika Graha, and simulates lumbar spondylosis to Kati Vata (one of the SandhigataVatas). Pain, tingling, numbness, and stiffness in the spine are the main symptoms of lumbar spondylosis, which is mostly brought on by vitiated Vatadosha.

The goal of ayurvedic treatment for lumbar spondylosis is to bring the vitiated "VataDosha" back to balance and, consequently, to health. Treatments for this condition include internal medications, Panchakarma techniques like Abyanga, Kati Basti, Kati Pichu, Tailadhara, Swedana, Basti Karma etc and Rejuvenation therapies, dietary and lifestyle modifications which helps strengthen and relax the muscles, reduce inflammation in the surrounding tissues and nerves, heal nerve damage, and relax the muscles.

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