
Migraine is simulated to “Ardhavabhedaka” in Ayurveda.

Etiological factors such as excessive consumption of dry/ununctuous substances, exposure to cold, inappropriate sexual activity, withholding of natural urges, exhaustion, and exercise are quoted as the causes for Vata vitiation. Frequent intake of food before the digestion of a previous meal, intake of heavy to digest food, drinking excess cold water contribute to Kapha vitiation and formation of Ama.Due to the above etiological factors, Vata alone or along with Kapha affects the head and produces severe unilateral pain in the neck, eyebrow, temples, ear, eye and forehead. Pain is acute, similar to a blow from sharp weapons, prickingor splitting and when severeit impairs the functions of the eye and ear.Pain is paroxysmal, occurring once in ten days, twelve days, or daily. This phenomenon can be closely read in line with the series of events such as vasodilatation, secondary extravasation, edema, mast cell degranulation, and cortical spreading depression that is triggered by the release of neuropeptides from the trigeminal innervation in migraine.

The Ayurvedic treatment includes Snehapana (internal Oleation), Svedana (sudation), Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation), and Nasya (Nasal Instillations), followed by oral intake of herbal and Herbo-mineral medications aids in curing the condition.

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