According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis and other skin disorders arise for two causes. The first is an imbalance in the body's fundamental functioning energies, or doshas. Psoriasis symptoms might arise due to an imbalance in two Doshas, specifically Vata and Kapha. Joint discomfort and skin scaling are symptoms of vata. Skin secretions and irritation are caused by kapha. Skin redness and irritation are also caused by a pita imbalance. The body's buildup of toxins is the additional cause of this illness. The body's tissues, particularly the skin and blood, contain these toxins.

The goal of Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis is to eliminate toxins and preserve the equilibrium of doshas.Ayurveda makes use of herbal medicines to treat Psoriasis. Triphala, Guggulu, Shathavari, Ashwagandha, Amalaka etc are used to treat Psoriasis.

Individuals with severe symptoms of Psoriasis will find Panchakarma to be extremely beneficial. It consists of a number of therapies designed to assist the body eliminate toxins, restoredoshas, and promote physical health.

Doshas are balanced with the use of medicated ghee.

Toxins are eliminated from the body through purgation and enema (Vamana and Virechana).

The scalp and facial areas benefit from Shirodhara.

Abhyanga(body massages) aid in the body's rebalancing and help eliminate toxins.

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