
Premature ejaculation is a condition in which men have orgasm before intercourse or within a minute of intercourse after starting to have sex. This premature ejaculation is often associated with losing of erection soon, which won’t satisfy the partner. There are several causes for this condition like- stress, depression, anxiety, guilt, relationship problems, hormonal imbalances, irregular levels of neurotransmitters, etc. This condition leads to lack of confidence in men, embarrassment, anxiety and distress.

‘Shukragata Vata’ is the term for premature ejaculation in ayurvedic text. It is characterized by various clinical presentations that are related to impairment of ejaculation or with the impairment of seminal properties. This relates to either early ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, or affliction of the fetus. This happens due to vitiation of Vata dosha and its effect on various structural and functional attributes of shukra dhatu. The premature ejaculation is when Vata loses its drutatva or chalatva.

In Ayurveda, the treatment for premature ejaculation is via Vatahara chikitsa, i.e. treatment that will pacify the effects of Vata dosha. It is accompanied with intake of Vajikarana and Shukra Stambhan medications/ dravyas. Further, treatments like snehapana, virechanam, elakizhi, pizhichil, navara kizhi, vasti, and Uttara vasti are also done to cure the condition of premature ejaculation. This line of treatment helps in complete reversal of the condition and helps gaining complete pleasure in the long run.

Men's Treatments are very sensitive issues, and we as experts understand the kind of care and efficiency required to assist you to your condition. Experience the joy of being complete - as an individual & as a family.

Our panel consists of specialized Men's experts & counsellors skilled to find out the root cause leading to your condition. Men's fertility conditons is a treatable medical condition and a time sensitive disorder and treating it with the right treatment is of the utmost importance.

Unlike other treatment procedures that jump straight to symptom management, we address the root-cause of the disease. Our treatment for Men's Conditions has proved to achieve a near cure and symptom-free state. We focus on diet, use of potent herbs, meditation, therapies with herbal oils and yoga. These classical practices have proven to be very helpful in our Men's Conditions Treatment.

Understand how we can help you with Pre-Mature Ejaculation..

Pre-mature ejaculation in ayurveda

According to ayurveda, premature ejaculation is caused due to accumulation of Vata dosha, which enters into Shukra dhatu and causes early ejaculation. It is known as ‘Shukragata Vata’ in ayurvedic text. The clinical presentations of this condition are early ejaculation, delayed ejaculation or incapability to impregnate. As Vata dosha is responsible for life and vitality and shukra dhatu is the element of the body which is considered as Saara (essence) of life, it needs supreme vital essence for its nourishment. When the shukra dhatu is not filled with enough of essence, and when Vata dosha of the body is vitiated, it leads to conditions like premature ejaculation that hinders in sexual pleasure of both the partners.

Phases of premature ejaculation

  • Emission: The vas deferens (the tubes that store and carry sperm from the testes) contracts, forcing the sperm through the prostate gland to the base of the penis. Seminal vesicles secrete substances that mix with sperm to form semen. At this point, the ejaculation is irrepressible.
  • Ejaculation: While the bladder neck flexes, the muscles at the base of the penis contract, pushing semen out of the penis (ejaculation and orgasm). Orgasm can occur without the release of sperm from the penis (ejaculation). Erections are normally lost after ejaculation.

Causes of premature ejaculation

Psychological causes:

  • Sexual inexperience
  • Issues with body type
  • Overexcitement
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship stress
  • Feeling of guilt
  • Issues related to control and intimacy
  • Strict sexual teaching
  • Traumatic sexual experience
  • Conditioning

Medical causes:

  • Diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Prostate disease
  • Thyroid problems
  • Over consumption of alcohol


In Ayurveda, the treatment for premature ejaculation is via Vatahara chikitsa, i.e. treatment that will pacify the effects of Vata dosha. It is accompanied with intake of Vajikarana and Shukra stambhaka medications/ dravyas. Further, treatments like snehapana, virechanam, elakizhi, pizhichil, navara kizhi, vasti, and Uttara vasti are also done to cure the condition of premature ejaculation. This line of treatment helps in complete reversal of the condition and helps gaining complete pleasure in the long run.

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