Panchakarma, described in one line, is the ultimate detoxification therapy. One of the most intensive treatments for cleansing, Panchakarma involves five natural Ayurvedic treatments that come together to balance the three doshas (Vatha, Pitha and Kapha) and detoxify your body. It is one of the world's best methods of detoxification, and the results are no less than transformational.

The main aim of the Panchakarma treatment is to eliminate the causes of illness. Panchakarma eliminates the vitiated doshas, improves the metabolism process and helps control and cure chronic ailments. It also helps slow down the ageing process and restores youth.

Who is this package suitable for?

If you often feel tired, exhausted, fatigued, stressed or suffer from aches and pains or other chronic ailments and seek a deep level of relaxation and revitalization, then Panchakarma is for you! It is difficult to pay attention to our body on a day-to-day basis and keep control of our diet, lifestyle, habits, emotions and body urges. A lot of toxic waste is produced in the body due to our lifestyle choices, which lead to the cause of multiple ailments. The Panchakarma treatment aims at restoring the body to its normal state through its detoxification journey and restore the harmony between the doshas, dhatus etc.

Treatment Plan

The detoxification journey(Duration: 14 to 28 Days.)

Your detoxification journey will begin with a thorough consultation with one of our expert Ayurvedic doctors who will tailor the package according to your body-mind condition and constitution. This treatment will be closely supervised by our expert Ayurvedic Doctors and Therapists. The Panchakarma treatment is divided into three stages - Pre Treatment, Main Treatment and Post Treatment:

Online Consultation