
The neurological issue is diseases of the mind, spine, and nerves that interface them. There are in excess of 600 sicknesses of the sensory system, for example, cerebrum tumors, epilepsy, Parkinson's ailment, and stroke just as less recognizable ones, for example, frontotemporal dementia.

Ayurveda considers issues with Majja Dhatu or Bone Marrow/ Nerve Tissues to cause neurological problems. The human body contains three doshas viz. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in equilibrium. As per Ayurveda, an imbalance of Vata dosha in the body leads to neurological disorders. Besides, the Vata dosha complications Pitta and Kapha doshas can also create neurological complications. Ayurvedic treatment for neurological disorders considers all the aspects related to the patient.

On the other hand, the busy lifestyles, wherein people do not have enough time for exercise, unhealthy lifestyles, and pollution are causative for increasing neurological problems including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Stroke, Parkinson’s, etc.

SBMSAH Ayurveda hospital is one of the top hospitals in the nation in neurology disorder treatment. We treat conditions — from the basic to uncommon — and attract on our exploration to give the most progressive treatments accessible. We provide the finest Ayurvedic treatment for neurological disorders in Kerala to help patients cure their neuro ailments.

An exhaustive examination of the body is necessary for confirming the root cause of the medical issue. The expert panel of our Ayurvedic practitioners would also check the person’s medical and familial history for identifying the reason and deciding the treatment method. Hence, the course duration, the composition of herbal medicines, and dietary regulations may be different for each patient. We provide the best Ayurvedic medicines for neurological disorders eliminating the disease from its roots.

Our Ayurveda treatment for neurological disorder will focus on expelling toxins or doshas from the body and restoring equilibrium. The Ayurveda doctors at SBMSAH will advise the patient with measures for lifestyle modification and dietary regulations. Thus, precluding the possibility of a relapse in the future. The person will be as healthy as before after treatment at SBMSAH.

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