
Prushta Basti, also known as Kati Prushta Basti, is an Ayurvedic therapeutic procedure that primarily focuses on the upper and lower back regions. "Prushta" refers to the back, and "Basti" means a container or reservoir. This traditional Ayurvedic treatment is designed to offer a range of physical and holistic health benefits by targeting the back.

Prushta Basti offers various advantages, including

  • Back Pain Relief : It is highly effective in alleviating back pain, particularly in conditions like chronic lower back pain, muscle spasms, or stiffness in the upper back region.
  • Enhanced Flexibility : Prushta Basti helps improve the flexibility and mobility of the back, reducing discomfort and restricted movement.
  • Muscle and Ligament Strengthening : The warm herbal oil nourishes and strengthens the muscles and ligaments in the back, offering better support to the spine.
  • Reduction of Inflammation : The therapy reduces inflammation in the back area, making it ideal for individuals with chronic back pain and inflammation.
  • Improved Circulation : Prushta Basti enhances blood circulation in the back, promoting the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen to the tissues while assisting in the removal of waste products.
  • Holistic Wellness : This therapy addresses not only physical but also energetic and emotional aspects of well-being, promoting an overall sense of balance and harmony.
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