Varicose veins are referred to in Ayurveda as "SirajaGranthi," where "Siraja" denotes blood flow via veins and tubular structures and "Granthi" denotes an inflammation resembling a cyst. It is said to be caused by increased pitta dosha surrounding blood vessels, as well as inhibited vata and kaphadosha at the bulging spot, resulting in abnormal blood clots and a tridoshic imbalance. Many unpleasant symptoms likeSada (numbness), Ayasa (fatigue), Gratitha Sira (distended veins), Krishnarakta Sira (blue to purple discoloration in the veins and skin), and Toda (unceasing aching in the lower thighs) are frequently present with varicose veins.

Varicose veins, characterised by distended, bloated veins, predominantly present in the legs and feet. This illness can occur due to myriad causes, including standing for prolonged period of time, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, pregnancy or even gut disorders such as constipation, bloating.

Ancient Ayurvedic texts like the Sushruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita describe a wealth of potent plants with pitta-balancing, pain-relieving, and anti-inflammatory properties that function as effective natural remedies in curing varicose veins.

Panckakarma treatment like Abhyanga ,Jaloukavacharana(leech therapy),Virechana and Basti helps in balancing viatiated pitta and other doshas and aids in curing the disease.

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